Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Look Elsewhere for Knitting

First, let me thank everyone for their comments concerning my last post. I do apologize for not emailing back, but my Hotmail account is on the fritz, again. Some days I can only read my messages and others I can't even get into it. Seriously thinking about switching everything over to Yahoo.

Second, sorry for being so quiet lately. My weird funky mood continues and there hasn't been a whole lot of knitting going on.

Here are my last four (out of eight) attempts for Friday Harbour. I think I'll just quit while I'm ahead. Nothing was speaking to me and I don't want to knit these unless I'm truly happy with the yarn. It's such a wonderful pattern that I don't want to ruin it with a pair I end up hating. Okay, okay, I could just order more yarn. But I kinda spent a little too much the past few months and am trying to be good and use what's already here.

Which leads me to this:

Acrylic yarn stash busting projects

I went through a bin of yarn and pulled out all of the complimentary baby colors I could find that are oddballs. I then threw them in a bag and am just randomly crocheting squares with them. I haven't really thought about how I'll end up putting them together. So far I think I'll have enough to make four small baby blankets. Too bad all this work has barely put a dent in the acrylic bin!