Wow, the past two weeks just flew by! It was a flurry of back to school madness that isn't quite over yet as Reilly doesn't even go until Tuesday. Today we had our home visit with his teacher and that just about pushed me over the edge. I started cleaning last week and continued all week for a visit that lasted all of twenty minutes. Trust me the house really needed it, so it was the kick I needed.
I want to send a big heartfelt thank you to everyone who commented on my last post. The words of encouragement, congratulations and appreciation put a huge smile on my face. I am quite sorry that I didn't respond to many of them, since life just got the best of my time.
So, I'm sure you're all wondering who the lucky person is, and that is Rachel!!! Congratulations! I hope you enjoy it.
Thankfully things have been looking up in my world. First, although we still don't know when my husband will be home, we have been given a time frame. Granted it spans about three weeks, but it's something. Also, redeployment events are starting to happen so the feeling is that it is finally happening. Second, we have been given orders back to Fort Benning, GA. Although it isn't the nicest place to be stationed, it isn't the worse by a long run either. More importantly he will be in a position that doesn't deploy. That's all I can ask for. Hurray!
 Fiber: "Ice Princess" merino Stats: 11 wpi, 290 yards
This is the latest spinning to come off the wheel. I think it's very pretty, but not me at all, so it'll be up in the shop in a day or two.
Then, I've been working feverishly on the Wheat-Ear Cable Raglan. I just joined the body and have still alot of knitting to do. I'm trying to hurry through it, since my yarn for the Tangled Yoke has arrived and I can't wait to start on that.

Ok, gotta cut this short. Two children are screaming.... |