Monday, April 03, 2006

Still Here

... and no baby, yet. Apparently someone is not in a rush to make his debut. Just as well, I'm not ready for those sleepless nights.

I took last week off from blogging. I admit I was kinda in a state of depression because of the baby. Which is unlike me at all; a bad mood usually disappears within hours. I had been sent home from the doctors expecting to go at any time and as the days passed without anything happening, I couldn't quite shake the fog that was surrounding me. Thankfully this past weekend it seemed to lift and I'm pretty much myself again. A big help was my ever supportive husband and Kathleen's phone calls to distract me.

So, once again I'm way behind in emails and making the rounds in blogland. If you haven't or don't hear from me, don't take it personally, I'll do what I can to catch up. And thanks for everyone's kind words of support, ya'll rock!

Yarn: Lana Grossa Mega Boots Stretch, color 707

Pattern: my standard top down on 64 stitches

This is pretty much the only knitting I got done last week. I needed something mindless and soothing to keep my hands busy. A plain sock is always great therapy for me. You may have noticed that many of my latest socks are plain. I have found that these are the socks I reach for first and only wear my lacy or highly textured ones when they're all dirty. Don't worry, I haven't abandoned patterned socks completely, I'll just be choosing those less.

Uh, yeah, another pair has already been started.