I'd had every intention of posting last week with more handspun. Of course this didn't quite happen. Last week was a flurry of Pedialyte and soft food, frequent trips to the laundry room and the annual Spring Clean Up. Yeah, just when I thought the boys were all feeling better, their sickness came back. With a vengance. Thankfully, we've been normal for about four days now, so I think we're better.
If you were reading my blog last fall, you may have remember me complaining about the lack of participation during that Clean Up. Well, this spring I was blessed with help. One neighbor helped out. One. Together we weeded, washed windows, swept and mopped, and picked up all the trash that was floating around the building. Less than three days after we called in quits, it's a mess again. Frankly I'm at the end of my rope with these people that live here. I mean, really, how hard is it to put your child's dirty diapers IN the trashcan and not next to it???
Okay. Okay. I know y'all came here for the fiber, not my disgusting neighbors. There's actually alot, so I only included a few things to talk about. The rest will have to wait for another day.

This is my latest sock project. I'm doing Rapid Rivers in "Blue Jeans" from Apple Laine. I was intrigued by the yarn content (merino, silk, mohair and nylon) and managed to find two colorways that were fairly monogamous in color. It's nice, but I'm not in love with it. These are being made for the holiday season, so the durability factor will have to wait to be determined.

"Azure Skies" from CMF pencil roving Bulky singles 8 oz. / 540 yards

The first skein and the last one aren't the best, but the other three turned out great. Nice and soft with very little kinking. It's been very hard resisting the urge to go and buy more.

"Plum/Olive" domestic wool from The Yarn Wench 4 oz. 9 wpi
I wish I could tell you the yardage, but my computer shut itself off before I saved the data in my little file that keeps such things. I'll have to recount when I set the twist, which should be later today.

"Anton" wool roving from The Dudley Spinner 4 oz. 152 yards so far 8.5 wpi
I still have another four ounces to spin, but I got distracted by other things. I've come to the conclusion that I should not be allowed to ply until ALL the roving is in singles. Once I see how it looks, I loose interest.
So, after last week and playing catchup all this, I'm on break today. No major cleaning, no errands, no "real" cooking. Just relaxing with my knitting and trying to keep the boys from killing one another. So far it's been harder than I thought it would be... |