Saturday, September 09, 2006

Saturday Randomness

Okay I know I usually don't post on Saturdays, but I'm bored. It's a beautiful day outside and we should be outside enjoying. Instead Reilly is sick. As an added bonus, he woke up at 5am and promtly woke everyone else up. We're all off schedule and cranky. Especially me.

Last weekend I visited with Kathleen and this is some of what I came home with. Knowing that I don't get to the yarn stores much, she picks me up cool yarn when she sees it. I in turn get her stuff from the States. We've got a good thing going on between us.

Since I had the camera out, I figured I'd show the latest indulgences.

Claudia Hand Painted, Socks That Rock and J. Knits

I'm looking for opinions on some yarn from everyone. I want to know about
1. SWTC Bamboo--softness, stretching, overall opinion
2. SWTC Phoenix--softness-would it be comfortable for next to skin wear?

Any thoughts would be appreciated very much.

I don't have a sweater to show you so I'll leave you with a picture of the kids the other night right before bedtime. Have a great weekend!