Actually, I did manage to get a little bit into the spirit after all. My celebration manifisted itself in the way of baking cookies. Five batches worth. This is down from my traditional minimum of seven or eight. One wouldn't know that I had been baking for two days though. There isn't a cookie left in the house. They were either given to various neighbors or eaten. I won't say which disposed of more.
I hope that Santa was good to everyone else this year. He brought me lots of goodies. This picture showes a sampling. Four balls of Gedifra Scarlet, two skeins of Koigu in #403 (which I have to say is one of the pretties colors I've seen yet) and three of TSC's Donegal Tweed. My lovely family also indulged me in other things: wooden dpns, a set of Lantern Moon needles, a copy of Socks, Socks, Socks and a copy of Simple Socks. Such wonderful things! I can't wait to play with everything. My hands are still bothering me, but are better than they were. I've been wearing splints, taking Motrin, doing back and arm exercise and avoiding knitting to try to make them better. Avoiding knitting is proving to be very hard! I do sneak in a few rows everday, just to get my fix. |
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Ho, Ho, It's Over
Posted by
1:21 PM
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Secret Pal Revealed
Posted by
1:48 PM
Monday, December 13, 2004
Three Weeks!?!
Honestly I can't believe it's been that long since I had a baby and last posted too. I'm not sure where the time is going. It seems that each day is a blur and before I know it, it's 9pm and time for all of us to hit the sack.
I also started on Mariah from the latest issue of Knitty. I'm about half way through the first sleeve. I had been going through all of my patterns looking for a cabled sweater and then I saw this. It's perfect. I love hoodies and the cable isn't so complicated that I'll get tired of it before completion.Also I wanted to show what my friend Jean sent me. Aren't they just the cutest little booties? She also sent Reilly a book that he very much enjoyed. Thank you, Jean, you're awesome!
Posted by
7:49 AM
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
He's Here!
Let me introduce the newest addition to our family: Connor Patrick.
![]() He arrived early Saturday morning, on his due date no less, at 8 pounds. So far he's been a delightful baby. He hardly ever cries and eats like a horse! Reilly has taken the role of big brother on without any hesitations, which relieved a lot of worries on my part. Right now we're just taking it easy and getting adjusted to our new life. I'll post as more things happen and leave you with a picture of my three boys together. ![]() |
Posted by
6:58 PM
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
No Baby Yet
Well, the little one is holding out so far. I have to say that I was a complete nervous wreck all weekend. Everytime I felt a contraction or slightly not well, I went into a panic. But it's now Tuesday and I've gotten this far. My FIL arrived today much to my relief. Now if the baby wants to come, I don't care. For one, I'll have a ride to the hospital without waking up the entire building and then Reilly will have someone to stay with him in his own house. Honestly I was more concerned about Reilly than anything else. I can't imagine how scary it would be for a two year old to be awakened in the middle of the night only to be shuffled off to someone elses house to sleep on a couch. Then wake up the next day and not have his mom. I know kids are quite resilient, but I have those guilty mommy thoughts.
![]() All I need to do is finish the ribbing. They're not quite so lime green in person. Really. I also decided to finally make some blankets for charity. I've been meaning to do this for forever, but have gotten sidetracked by various other projects that I had to do now. Now's a good a time as ever. I'm crocheting them. Yeah, you read right. I do crochet on occasion. I love the fact that a baby blanket that is 37"square took a day and a half when it would have taken me at least a week if I had knit it. Though, I do not personally like the fabric crochet makes, it's not for me. Is that wrong? That I would do something I don't love for someone else? Anyway, here's a pic of one blanket completed. There's another in the works. ![]() Not very exciting, eh? Okay, one more thing. I have a major dilemma. I just got a shipment from Amazon. It's a few books I had put on my wish list and my sister got them for me. I know what's in there and I'm dying to look at Ann Budd's latest greatest book. They're a Christmas present. Do I open the box or do I put it in the basement and wait? Help!!! |
Posted by
8:52 PM
Friday, November 12, 2004
Waiting Games
I hate waiting. It makes me anxious. I can't sit down or concentrate on anything. Instead I feel the urge to get up and do things to try to take my mind elsewhere. But that's the last thing I need to do.
Posted by
3:13 PM
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
I Got Mine... Did You?
Just look what was waiting for me at the Post Office today:
Why, that's fifteen balls of the Highland Wool in the loveliest shade of Tuscany Green and four balls of Sock it to Me Esprit Print sock yarn-two in Summer Meadow and two in Shades of Grey. Oh, such yummy yarn! Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to do with it! So many possibilities... I was quite surprised to get it today. I only placed the order six days ago. Now I don't feel so bad about paying the $10 shipping. It's when I pay that or more and it takes a month to get to me that I get pissy. Elann has become a best friend. I wasn't going to show this, since it's a present, but I couldn't resist. This is the start of Clapotis III. I just love the colors of this one-it's being done in a merino wool from Rodel Wolle. It's so tempting to keep it for myself. I got the last four balls in this color, but they're really good about replenishing their stock. So I may just have to run down and get some more in a few days (provided baby boy doesn't show up!). One more thing: winter is here in Germany!!! IT'S SNOWING!!! Yay, I haven't seen snow since the winter of '99/'00 when I lived in Pennsylvania. I hope it keeps up so I can take Reilly out for his first romp in it ever. Ahhh, the simple joys of motherhood. |
Posted by
1:58 PM
Monday, November 08, 2004
A week and a half. That's it. Yup, my days of knitting marathons and exploring my new host country are quickly depleting. As I was staring at the calendar this morning, this realization washed over me. Ugh. Don't get me wrong, I am looking forward to the little ones arrival and can't wait for him to be a part of this family. It's just that I dread trying to get two little ones ready and pushing them around in that humongous double stroller. I foresee that it will be awhile before my only excursions include more than the weekly trips to the commissary and PX.
That's enough sock yarn for eight pairs of socks. Five as they are and three to dye. I didn't plan on that much, but I found all these great deals. I couldn't refuse. And wait! There's more! I just can't show it. I picked up some stuff for my SP and some yarn for yet another Clapotis that will be a gift. Yes, I am on a sock kick. Should I mention that along with some Highland Wool that I ordered from Elann, there's also four balls of sock yarn coming too? My justification in having all this in my stash is that whenever I see a pattern that I want to do, I'll have many options to choose from and won't feel too bad about not being able to run to the LYSs on a whim. And the nesting doesn't stop there. I went just about nuts cleaning my house this weekend. Not your normal cleaning. It was the under the bed, toothbrush scouring, Lysol fume sickening kind of cleaning. I feel better. Not that when you look around, one could tell anymore-my son quickly trashed everything again. But it's done, along with alot of other stuff I've been meaning to do around the house. So, not too much knitting got done. I did manage to finish the Lace Top Socks. The second sock turned out much better, on account that I was able to not let my gauge grow on me. I also started another sock. It's being knitted with the green yarn I dyed and is of my own design. If it turns out nice, I'll post a picture. I am avoiding the diaper bag. All I need to do is finish sewing it together and then felt it. But I'm hating the way it looks with the overcast stitch. I know once felted, I won't be able to tell... I just can't bring myself to do it! And I think that Reilly's Winter Set is completed sans mittens. The thumb is giving me problems. After ripping it out and trying four times, I went out and bought him some fleece mitten that match close enough. Maybe I'll try again. Maybe not. I'm tired. Everything aches. I need to some laundry, but it's going to have to wait. The rest of my day is going to include frozen pizza and ass planted on the couch. I can't wait! |
Posted by
4:30 PM
Thursday, November 04, 2004
For The Love of Knitters
Thanks to those who left me suggestions dealing with the figure 8 "looseness". I'm going to try all and see what works best for me.
Nifty stitch markers courtesy of Jean. We met up at the Wurzburg PX for lunch yesterday. It was a short visit, but very nice. It's always wonderful to meet other knitters and talk. Great meeting you, Jean and thanks for the gift. This is why I love fellow knitters. It's like we all share something special and are so caring about others. In my own giving spirit, I sent a package out to Calissa today. I hope she likes it! |
Posted by
3:23 PM
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Sock Crazy
So... What do you do when one hasn't adjusted for the time change yet and yesterday was a German Holiday? Well, take a look:
That's what. The first sock on top was started Sunday evening and finished at about 6am this morning. I'm using the Lace Top, Toe Up Sock courtesy of Socknitters. The one on the bottom is using my "Tropical" yarn I dyed using The Percentage-Based, Toe-Up, Garter-Stitch Short-Row Heel, Gauge-Less Socks from Stasia. I'd never done toe-up construction before and really wanted to see if it was better or not. It rocks! Granted, I've had to frog both socks after getting about three inches up, but it's better than almost a whole sock. I also tried two different toes-the provisional cast-on and the figure eight to see the differences there. I can't decide yet. The figure eight is so much smoother, but leaves a stretched out row. I even redid it with smaller needles. The result was a tighter stitch, but still not perfect. I have two more methods that I'm going to try out. But that will have to wait until I finish these two pairs. All this experimenting is leading up to my Regia socks. I figure if I'm going to make a $20 pair of socks, I better be very happy with the results. And I don't want to be trying out all this when I do them. Oh, and have you seen the Highland Wool at Elann??? I may just have to place my first order with them. There's other stuff from them I'd like to get, so I guess now's the time to go ahead and get it. Now I just have to figure out what colors I would like and what I'm going to do with it. Something for me, of course! And... I just got commissioned to do a poncho for my husbands cousin, Lori. My first! Well, the first that I'm actually going to do. When I worked at AC Moore, people were always trying to get me make things for them, but I never accepted. Partly because I didn't feel comfortable enough in my skills to make something well enough to sell and because they often balked at what it would actually cost. But, I'm not going to charge her for the labor. I just don't feel right taking the money from a close relative. It's nice that she offered though, often family members expect that I do it for free and pay for the materials. Only when it's present time, baby! |
Posted by
4:38 PM
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Exciting News
My husband called late last night with fabulous news! He's been authorized leave to come home for the baby!!! He'll be here about 2-3 days before the due date, so maybe the little one will decide to stay put until then. I really hope so-I would love for him to actually witness the birth and to be my coach again. I am so excited, I can hardly contain myself. We thought that we were going to have to wait until after the birth to get word to him and then he could come home. This is so much better!
These are the "Super Mittens" from Weekend Knitting. They're going to be a gift for my mom (hope she's not reading). She keeps telling me that mittens would be an awesome gift for XMas, since she lost the last two pairs I made for her. They only took about three hours start to finish and gave me a nice break from the diaper bag. Speaking of, this is one of the most boring projects I have ever done. It's just seed stitch rectangles. Only one more to go and then I can seam it and felt. It's been cold here this weekend and I broke out the socks I made. Oh so warm and cozy! It made me think that I'd like to make some more. So, as I was perusing Knitters Review this morning I came across this great link. It's from the Sock Design Challenge and I found several patterns that I want to do. Feeling inspired, I dove into the stash and found the six balls of sock yarn I had bought for a steal with the plans to dye. First is what I'm calling "Tropical" using Berry Blue and Lemon Lime. I love how these turned out. Second is "Purple Throwup". As you might guess from the name, I'm not happy. They turned out almost the same as another batch from before. I used Grape and was going for a light graduated purple, but it turned out very dark. Third is "I love this Green". With this I started out with a taupe yarn and used Wilton dye. Very, very pleased with the color on this one. But I can't wait for them to dry to start knitting so I found some Regia stretch that I forgot about. And I'm ready to cast on-again. |
Posted by
1:52 PM
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Weww... What a busy week! So much to share, but no pictures-I'm too lazy to break out the camera. Maybe this weekend I'll get around to it. So, anyway, here's what I've been up to-broken up into nice little categories.
Baby Stuff The baby is now in position for birth. So it's just a matter of waiting for him to decide he's ready. Had an ultrasound done today too. It was the coolest one yet! I could really see his features and lots of details. I could see his eyes moving and he even stuck out his tongue. Needless to say, I'm getting very excited about his arrival. Only three weeks (supposedly) to go! Complete Randomness I discovered two great food finds this week and just had to share. First, Honey Crunch apples are so delicious. Never had them before and need to go to the store and get more. Second is "Cider Roasted Chicken" from the Oct. '04 Cooking Light magazine. You must try this! Not sure if you can get it from their site, they make you use passwords, but if it's still on the newstand-go get it. Basically it's a roaster brined overnight with cider and salt and the result is pure heaven. The past four months or so, I've been turned off by the smell of chicken cooking, but had to try this recipe. Plus I wanted leftovers for soup. Well, I guess that's the bulk of it. I promise to get some pictures soon. I also wanted to give warning that if I haven't posted in a week, I've probably had the baby. And then there will be cute pictures! |
Posted by
7:32 PM
Friday, October 22, 2004
LYS Friday!
Here's the bunting bag, almost finished. All I need to do now is sew on the buttons. Ick. I hate sewing. So, how do you know when you have a yarn buying problem? Well, when you've only lived somewhere for six months and all the LYS employees know you. Granted, it's nice now that they all know that I'm slowly learning German and are quite helpful with helping me along. They also know that I usually don't need help in finding my yarn and let me browse without hovering. Here's what I got: Three skeins of the chocolate brown wool for my diaper bag. The green comes from my stash. Six skeins of Rodels Nepal for a sweater for Reilly. I've had my eye on this yarn for awhile and have been waiting for something to do with it. In fact I'm liking it so much, I might have to go back and get the purple variegated for myself. I know it's hard to see the colors, but they're grey/brown and greenish.
And four skeins of this purple/charcoal grey yarn for a scarf for the babysitter. Needless to say, I had a good time. Reilly on the other hand was not thrilled at all. Thankfully the ladies at the yarn stores like him and his antics. Including his desire to grab the balls of yarn and throw them! I'm just embarrassed. I'll be glad when Royd is home and I can go shopping while he watches the kids. I'm suppose to meet up with Teresa tomorrow in Bamberg, but haven't heard back from her yet! I know she's been having issues with her internet connections, so I may not get to. Oh, well. There's always another time. On Sunday, my neighbor and I are going to drive down to Kitizigen to holiday shop at the Bazaar there. I really need to finish the Xmas shopping and am hoping that this one will have some good stuff. So I went to the ATM and withdrew a buttload of cash, so I don't have to hassle with checks. I'll be glad when all the holiday and birthday(6 of 'em) shopping is done.
Posted by
3:55 PM
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
First let me show a picture of my awesome new ball winder in action!
Posted by
8:13 PM
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Check It Out!
Posted by
8:43 PM
Thursday, October 14, 2004
My SP Rocks!!!
I was really hoping that the package waiting for me at the PO was documents concerning my car purchase. Delightfully, it wasn't! Instead my SP surprised me with a ball winder!!! I'd love to show a picture, but I'm waiting for the batteries in the digital to charge and couldn't wait to post. Thank you, SP, you're awesome.
Posted by
3:58 PM
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Another FO
Posted by
8:41 PM
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Clapotis Finished
Posted by
4:08 PM
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Stalled Progress
Clapotis should have been finished last night. What happened? Well, I did one too many repeats and ran out of yarn! I only need to do three repeats on the decrease rows to be done. Yeah, I could tink out the rows, but that's too much work. So, I'll have to go back to the yarn store and get more. Do I have ulterior motives? YES! I've decided to do another Clapotis for someone else. This time I'll pick a yarn that works up at a larger gauge though, so it'll take less time.
Posted by
1:58 PM
Sunday, October 03, 2004
My Brain Isn't Working
I have a few updates to make.
Posted by
9:57 PM
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Cheap SEX
Isn't that a catchy title?
Posted by
1:56 PM
Monday, September 27, 2004
I'm Alive
Busy, busy week. Lots to talk about.
Posted by
4:34 PM
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Snowflake Sweater
Posted by
5:09 PM
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Almost Finished
Posted by
3:39 PM
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Did I Miss Something?
Oh, you know, like a whole week!?! It really feels like it was just last Saturday. They say time flies when you're having fun, but that's only a half truth. I think part of my week was spent shopping and exploring the town and the other part was fighting with a toddler that doesn't want to take naps anymore.
Posted by
3:37 PM
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Cabaret Raglan
Posted by
6:25 PM
Monday, September 06, 2004
Happy Labor Day
I can't believe we're at this point in the year already. Three quarters of the year is gone and fall is almost here. Goody, fall is my favorite season. And I actually get to experience seasons again. Living in Ga. for the past three years really made me miss seasons. I get to wear all of my sweaters!
Posted by
6:20 PM
Friday, September 03, 2004
Secret Pals
1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer high-end/natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand? Or is it all the same to you?
Went to the local Fall Bazaar this morning. Sadly I left emptyhanded. I was expecting good deals, but everything I liked was over two hundred dollars. And I didn't feel like paying twenty for a tiny piece of parmigiano reggiano. I think that they jack up the prices for these things, thinking that we don't know any better and to cover exchange rates. Plus, I thought that artisans were to be the feature, but mostly it was representatives from larger stores and companies. Heck, they even had reps from cell phone companies! Oh, well, no big loss. |
Posted by
8:33 PM
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
My Lovies
Posted by
9:31 PM
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Klaralund Envy
I got my new Ram Wools catalog today. Oh, am I drooling! I have to stop. Must stop. I found four or five sweaters I have to have. Now, I see what the buzz about Klaralund is all about. I hadn't bothered to check it out before now. But now... I must do this. It's so beautiful. A bit out of my price range right now. But, I'm thinking that if I could get my hands on some other yarn that is more affordable, it might just happen. Well, we'll see.
Posted by
3:44 PM
Monday, August 30, 2004
Better Moods
Sorry about yesterday's rant. Sometimes you just got to get it off your chest and I felt much better after writing it all down. Then a friend sent me this and I got a good laugh. So, I'm good now.
Posted by
7:16 PM
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Obsession and Frustration
Ever have one of those day? Ya know, where everything seems like crap?
Posted by
7:17 PM
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Too Kool
Posted by
2:57 PM